What is a YANG Schema Tree?

The YANG schema tree is the conceptual tree made up of all resolved objects:

  • All groupings have been expanded
  • All augment statements have been applied
  • All deviation statements have been applied
  • All if-feature statements have been resolved

YANG statements not visible in the schema tree:

  • uses

YANG statements visible in the schema tree:

  • leaf
  • leaf-list
  • choice
  • case
  • container
  • list
  • anydata
  • anyxml

Note that choice and case nodes only exist in the YANG schema tree.

These nodes are not visible in a YANG datastore.

Only the other nodes listed can be present in a YANG data tree.

What is an Object Template (obj_template_t)?

The C data structure called obj_template_t is used to represent a YANG schema tree.

The API functions for this data structure are located in ncx/obj.h

The netconfd-pro server creates one YANG schema tree for all its supported YANG modules.

The yangcli-pro client creates on YANG schema tree for each session, matching the server's schema tree.

Finding an Object Template with XPath

This API allows a schema node from within the YANG schema tree to be retrieved.

The input is an XPath absolute path expression.

The output is a pointer to the object templete (if NO_ERR is returned).

The path string can contain prefixes. If so, they must be the YANG prefix defined in the module "prefix" statement.

* FUNCTION xpath_find_schema_target_int
* internal find target, without any error reporting
* Follow the absolute-path expression
* and return the obj_template_t that it indicates
* Internal access version
* Error messages are not printed by this function!!
* Do not duplicate error messages upon error return
*    target == absolute Xpath expression string to evaluate
*    targobj == address of return object  (may be NULL)
*   if non-NULL inputs:
*      *targobj == target object
*   status
extern status_t
    xpath_find_schema_target_int (const xmlChar *target,
                                  obj_template_t **targobj);

Example: Get the "name" leaf from the interface list:

    const xmlChar *defpath = (const xmlChar *)"/if:interfaces/if:interface/if:name";
    obj_template_t *obj = NULL;
    status_t res = xpath_find_schema_target_int(defpath, &obj);
    if (res != NO_ERR) {
        return res;

Finding a Top Level Object Template in A Specific Module

* FUNCTION ncx_find_object
* Find a top level module object
*   mod == ncx_module to check
*   objname == object name
*   pointer to struct if present, NULL otherwise
extern obj_template_t *
    ncx_find_object (ncx_module_t *mod,
                     const xmlChar *objname);

Example: Find the interfaces object:

const xmlChar *modname = (const xmlChar *)"ietf-interfaces";
const xmlChar *revision = (const xmlChar *)"2014-05-08";
const xmlChar *objname = (const xmlChar *)"interfaces";

ncx_module_t *mod = ncx_find_module(modname, revision);
if (mod) {
   obj_template_t *obj = ncx_find_object(mod, objname);

Finding a Top Level Object Template in Any Module

* FUNCTION ncx_find_any_object
* Check if an obj_template_t in in any module that
* matches the object name string
*   objname == object name to match
*   pointer to struct if present, NULL otherwise
extern obj_template_t *
    ncx_find_any_object (const xmlChar *objname);

Example: Find the object "system" from any module loaded into the server.

const xmlChar *objname = (const xmlChar *)"system";

obj_template_t *obj = ncx_find_any_object(objname);

Checking the Type of an Object

The YANG object type is defined as an enumeration:

/* enumeration for different YANG data def statement types
 * the enum order is significant!!! do not change!!!
typedef enum obj_type_t_ {
    OBJ_TYP_LIST,       /* last real database object */
    OBJ_TYP_CASE,       /* last named database object */
    OBJ_TYP_REFINE,            /* child of uses only */
    OBJ_TYP_ANYDATA,    /* YANG 1.1 */
    OBJ_TYP_ACTION    /* YANG 1.1 */
} obj_type_t;

There is a macro to access the object type directly:

obj_type_t objtype = OBJ_TYPE(obj);

There are a set of simple APIs that return TRUE if the object type matches

  • obj_is_leaf
  • obj_is_list
  • obj_is_container
  • obj_is_choice
  • obj_is_case
  • obj_is_uses
  • obj_is_leafy  (leaf or leaf-list)
  • obj_is_augment
  • obj_is_refine
  • obj_is_rpc
  • obj_is_rpcio
  • obj_is_action
  • obj_is_notif
  • obj_is_np_container
  • obj_is_p_container
  • obj_is_anyxml
  • obj_is_anydata

Example: check if an object is a container:

if (obj_is_container(obj)) {
   // do something

Traversing the Child Nodes of an Object

To traverse all the schema nodes 1 layer at a time:

  • obj_first_child
  • obj_next_child

Example: Traverse the child nodes

obj_template_t *chobj = obj_first_child(obj);
for (; chobj; chobj = obj_next_child(chobj)) {
    if (obj_has_name(chobj)) {

To traverse all the schema nodes 1 layer at a time, except traverse through choice and case nodes.

This API will traverse past a choice statement into its sibling node.

  • obj_first_child_deep
  • obj_next_child_deep

Example: Traverse the child nodes

obj_template_t *testobj = obj_first_child_deep(obj);
for (; testobj;  testobj = obj_next_child_deep(testobj)) {
         // do something with testobj

To traverse all the child schema nodes of a choice statement,1 layer at a time, except traverse through choice and case nodes.

This API will not traverse past a choice statement into its sibling node if the 2nd parameter is "true":

  • obj_first_child_deep
  • obj_next_child_deep_ex

* FUNCTION obj_next_child_deep_ex
* Get the next child object if the specified object
* has any children.  Look past choice and case nodes
* to the real nodes within them
*    obj == obj_template_t to check
*    stopnext == true if the getnext search should stop after
*       all choice cases have been checked.  Do not go on
*       to the next sibling of the starting case
*         == false tpo keep going until all objects checked
*            that are siblings of the choice being checked deep
*    pointer to next child obj_template_t or
*    NULL if not found
extern obj_template_t *
    obj_next_child_deep_ex (obj_template_t *obj,
                            boolean stopnext);

Example: Traverse the child nodes

testobj = obj_first_child_deep(choic_obj);
for (; testobj; testobj = obj_next_child_deep_ex(testobj, true)) {
       // do something with testobj