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Knowledge base
Getting Started
What is YumaPro SDK?
Where are standard YANG modules located after installing the SDK?
Does YumaPro SDK fully support the NETCONF protocol?
Does YumaPro SDK fully support the RESTCONF protocol?
What is netconfd-pro?
View all 27
What is NETCONF?
What are the differences between NETCONF 1.0 and 1.1?
What is with-defaults?
NETCONF Subtree Filter Examples
What RESTCONF features are supported by YumaPro SDK?
How do I use the RESTCONF Client?
Setting up RESTCONF on Ubuntu/Debian
Setting up RESTCONF on Fedora/CentOS
View all 23
Setting Program Parameters
How are command line and config file parameters processed?
What CLI parameters are useful for debugging?
Where does a YumaPro tool look for YANG modules?
Where does a YumaPro tool look for data files?
Where does a YumaPro tool look for script files?
View all 6
Server Developer
Getting Started
Step 1: Understanding YumaPro Architecture: High Level Overview
Step 2: Getting Started with Important Configuration Parameters
Step 3: Prepare a YANG Module, SIL code and doxygen
Step 4: YANG and SIL Module Components
Step 5: Building and Installing the SIL
View all 12
Callbacks, Hooks, and other APIs
Is there a Callback starter document?
How do I use EDIT1 callbacks?
EDIT1 callback for Containers with default values
How do I use EDIT2 callbacks?
How do I handle different YANG object types with EDIT2 callbacks and what values should I expect?
View all 65
RPC Operations and YANG Actions
How do I return output data for a custom RPC operation?
How do I get the input data nodes for my custom RPC operation?
RPC Example for SIL-SA
YANG Action Interface
Working with SIL or SIL-SA Code
What are the Differences Between SIL & SIL-SA?
How do I use SIL-SA and sil-sa-app?
How do I debug my SIL-SA code?
How do I add instrumentation to SIL & SIL-SAs?
What are SIL & SIL-SA bundles?
View all 16
Database and DB-API
Database Deployment Variants
How do I use my own database instead of the built-in database?
How do I use DB-API and db-api-app?
Are there APIs to access the server's YANG datastore by other applications?
Does YumaPro SDK support 3rd party DBMS like SQL etc., for its datastores?
View all 7
YANG Data Tree Handling
How do I tell which member type in a union matched?
How to get and set a decimal64 number
How do I construct a data tree for a YANG list?
How to covert Leafref node to a real value node in RPC SIL
How do I construct a data node for a YANG leaf-list?
View all 11
YANG Object Tree Handling
How do I find the referenced object of a leafref object?
How do I find a top-level object and any other objects?
How do I access objects in the YANG schema tree?
How to generate object ID from the obj_template_t?
Working with the Source Code
If I want to build everything, how do I do this and what is included?
What make flags are available to tailor the binaries for each platform?
What standard make variables and targets are supported?
How do I customize the netconf/src Makefiles for my system?
How do I customize the system definitions for all C files?
View all 7
Working with Notifications
What are RESTCONF Notifications, and how do I receive them?
How do I subscribe to "toaster.yang" notifications via RESTCONF?
How do I configure Apache2 WEB Server to support Server-Sent Event (SSE)?
What notifications are built into the server?
How do I construct Notification message payload?
View all 10
yangcli-pro fails to launch after upgrade from 15.10-x to 16.10-x
Installing/Upgrading yangcli-pro via command line using Linux
Using yangcli-pro
How to use yangcli-pro with OpenDaylight?
Can yangcli-pro validate YANG content sent from the server?
How to send configuration data from an XML file
Sending Complex Commands from a Script or Batch Mode
Using Named Sessions
View all 20
Configuration Parameters
Where is the yangcli-pro CLI Reference?
Removing Files Not Needed by the Server
Upgrading to YumaPro SDK 21.10
Using netconfd-pro
How can I tell if the running config has changed since the last startup?
How do I setup /etc/yumapro/netconfd-pro.conf?
What is the yp-system library?
Does the netconfd-pro server delete the parent NP container when the last child node is deleted?
How do I insert or move list entries?
View all 34
Server quits because of 'top level mandatory objects are not allowed' error
Why does the RESTCONF server drop my session after an error?
Why does the server drop my RESTCONF session after 1000 requests?
Is there a way to enable debugging for netconf-subsystem-pro in order to see messages sent by the netconfd-pro server?
Why did I get an "unknown namespace" error when I restarted the server?
View all 21
Configuration Parameters
Where is the netconfd-pro CLI Reference?
Integrations with OpenDayLight
Netconfd-pro integration with ODL
ODL and netconfd-pro connection troubleshooting
Getting Started
What is YANG?
Where are the YumaWorks modules located after installing the SDK?
I loaded a YANG module but I can't see it from yangcli-pro
Why doesn't my simple XPath comparing 2 nodes work?
What is the difference between . and current()?
Defining Union Typedefs
What is the difference between 'when' and 'if-feature'?
YANG Constraints Explained
View all 7
YANG Data Types
How to work with Binary data type?
How to work with Bits data type?
How to work with Leafref data type?
How to work with Union data type?
How to work with Enumeration data type?
Error: 'action' token not allowed here
Error: Got 'default', Expected: keyword
YumaBench GUI
Getting Started
What is YumaBench?
Which Operating Systems can YumaBench run on?
What documentation is available for YumaBench?
How do I get YumaBench?
Issues installing YumaBench
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