Most of the yangcli-pro and yp-shell CLI configuration parameters can be set at run-time as system variables.
(Try "show system" to see the system variable current settings. See below)
Setting system variables and global variables is done the same way, so you need to spell the variable name carefully.
(Tab completion also can be used to auto-complete the available variables)
When s system variable is set, the response will include the text "System variable set".
Example: display-mode set correctly:
> $$display-mode = json System variable set OK >
Example: display-mode misspelled and new global variable set instead:
> $$display-mod = json OK > show globals Global variables display-mod json >
The "show system" command will display the read-only and read-write system variables separately:
> show system Read-only environment variables HOME /home/andy HOSTNAME LANG en_US.UTF-8 PWD /home/andy SHELL /bin/bash USER andy YUMAPRO_DATAPATH YUMAPRO_HOME /home/andy/swdev/ypwork/netconf YUMAPRO_MODPATH YUMAPRO_RUNPATH Read-write system variables aliases-file ~/.yumapro/.yangcli_pro_aliases alt-names true ask-password true auto-keepalive false auto-reconnect true auto-reconnect-interval 10 auto-reconnect-max 5 autoaliases true autocomp true autoconfig false autoconfig-conf-mode true autodevices true autohistory true autoload true autoload-cache true autoload-get true autoload-save-cache true autonotif false autonvsave true autosessions true autotest true autousers true autouservars true bad-data check check-output true check-output-error false check-replies true check-replies-error false config-autosave true config-edit-mode level default-module default-operation merge display-mode plain echo-notif-loglevel debug echo-notifs true echo-replies true encoding none error-option none fixorder true ignore-missing-vars false indent 2 keepalive-interval 4 log-level info match-names one-nocase message-indent -1 optional false prompt-type normal save-session-vars true script-input true server ssl-fallback-ok false test-option set test-suite-file ~/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_tests.conf time-rpcs false time-rpcs-stats false time-rpcs-stats-file ~/yangcli_pro_rpc_stats.txt timeout 30 use-data-templates true use-rawxml false use-session-vars true use-traceid false use-xmlheader true user andy uservars-file ~/.yumapro/yangcli_pro_uservars.xml with-defaults none >