It is possible to use yangcli-pro to connect to multiple NETCONF or RESTCONF servers at once.

The "named sessions" feature can be used for this purpose

  • Create named sessions
  • Connect to each named session
  • Switch between named sessions

Create Named Sessions

The easiest way to create named sessions is to connect to the server and create a session manually somehow.

Then the "session-cfg save" command is used to save the session as a named session configuration.

In this example the session is saved as "s1" and "s2".

> connect user=andy password=mypassword server=

andy@> session-cfg save=s1

Saving current session as 's1'

andy@> session-cfg save=s2

Saving current session as 's2'

andy@> close-session


Connect to Each Named Session

After disconnecting from the initial unnamed session, you can connect to multiple named sessions.

You can connect to a new named session from an existing named session.  

The old session is not lost. You can switch between the sessions on the command line

> connect session-name=s1


s1>  create-subscription

s1> connect session-name=s2


Incoming notification for session 2 [s1]:
notification {
  eventTime 2021-01-13T18:56:18Z
  netconf-session-start {
    username andy
    session-id 5

s2>  create-subscription


Switch Between Named Sessions

The session that gets input such as an RPC reply or a notification will be identified in the yangcli-pro logging messages.

Since there is only one command line, there can only be one session that is active for commands at a time.

The "session set-current" command is used to switch between named sessions.  

The current session will be identified in the command prompt.

s2> session set-current=s1

Session 's1' is now active

s1> session set-current=s2

Session 's2' is now active
